
Showing posts from December, 2019

Note taking

Today in class we transferred our information form our rough draft on to a note card. Personally, I wrote down as much information as I could. For example I wrote at least 5 notes for each paragraph. I am not concerned at all about what my score will be, I think I will do very well. I put a lot of effort into the making of this essay and I think it will pay off in the end if I execute it properly. For the rest of class we did our own thing.

Test day

Today in class we took the demographic transition test. I think I got about 3 wrong. I accidentally wrote the death rate and birth rate in the wrong spots but it should be fine. The only other thing I got wrong was the equation. The answer was immigration but I unfortunately thought it was rate of natural increase. For the rest of the class Mr.Schick explained what we will be doing for the essay on Friday and the exam on Wednesday. He explains that we will get the information for the essay, it's up to us to see if we will take advantage of the information or not. So I better start studying.

Reviewed over quiz questions

Today in class we reviewed over quiz questions. Some questions had to do with when each stage developed, when countries entered those stages, and which countries are in each stage. We went over the fact that the US is on the brink of entering stage 5. The only countries known right now to be in stage 5 are Italy, Japan, Portugal, Russia and partially Germany. We also talked about what makes up each stage. Such as stage 1 is that because it has a very high birth and death rate. How stage 2 is that because it has a high birth rate and declining death rate, rising population. Immigration and emigration is also a big deal when it comes to your population standards.

Even deeper explanation of the demographic transition

Today in class we focused more on the countries that are stuck in each stage, and what years they may have got out. Also, we discussed that if the fifth stage was classified, which countries would fall in that category. Some of those countries would include China, Russia, etc. This only happens when your birth rate is very low along with your death rate. So the population would decrease. Also, from when Mr.Schick was born, up until now. The population has grown a whopping 4 billion. Finally, if America didn't have immigration, we may fall down soon in the fifth category. We will be having a quiz on this next Monday and I will be ready.

Deeper explanation of Demographic Transition

Today in class we went into deeper explanation about the demographic transition. We basically got a better understanding as to why these stages occurred and how they affected the population. For example stage 2 happened because of the industrial revolution. But why? because the industrial revolution gave the population an opportunity to make a substantial amount of money which gave them the chance to have better health care and food. We discussed this for all of the stages. We then watched a video about the demographic transition and it was pretty basic and understandable for the most part.

The Demographic Transition

Today in class we were introduced to the Demographic transition. It is basically what we have been learning about population but put into stages. The first stage would be very high birth rate and very high death. When we had to hunt for food and gather. Stage 2 would be the start of the countries industrial revolution. When there birth rate is high and there death rate is declining, high NRI. They are obtaining better qualities to live in. Stage 3 would be moderate growth. Rapidly declining birth rate and moderately declining death rate. Moderate NRI. Finally stage 4, restart back to stage 1. Very low CBR and low or slightly increasing CDR. Zero or negative NRI. There population isn't growing, somewhat declining.