
Showing posts from October, 2019

Hans rosling: 200 years in 4 minutes

Today in class we watched an in depth review video on life expectancy and economic growth for all countries. Hans Rosling explained that during the early 1800's. Everyone was in the poor and sick era. With life expectancy at a low and the amount of money you made. England were the first ones to make a jump into the the rich and healthy. Why? because they were the first ones to partake in the industrial revolution. As the years started to increase, the amount of countries made their way up there. Until World War 1 hit the world, then many countries started to make a drop towards the place were they once started. But not for long, when the war ended, they were back on their feet. To this present day it is mainly Luxembourg, and the United States of America leading the pack. But as Mr.Schick explained, this doesn't mean these are the best countries in the world.

Population Pyramid video

Today in class we thoroughly dug deeper into the meaning of  a population pyramid. Mr.Schick stopped the video multiple times explaining multiple things. One of these things was how they divide the pyramid. They divide the pyramid into genders, men on the left, woman on the right. Some countries are pretty evenly matched, while others are very lop sided. Another topic was about the years. Pre-reproductive is 00-14, reproductive is 15-44, Post reproductive is 45-100+. If the pyramid looks like a triangle, the population grows quick(Pre-industrial). If it is shaped like an end loaded diamond, population grows slow(industrial). If it is shaped like top loaded diamond, the population is declining(Post-industrial).

Explored population pyramid website

Today in class we explored the population pyramid website. To me, it was extraordinary. The website had the ability to tell you in the past or the future and age distribution through men and woman. Nigeria outstandingly jumped from their present population which is 201,748,560. To 752,247,358 in the year 2100. Some countries, barely have any change at all, while others change drastically. These changes only will occur if the countries stay at the same rate they are on right now. Some countries purposely change that number like china, others do not like United States of America.

Test day

Today in class we took a test on the basic statistics of the world. I think I did very well on the test because I studied and tried to memorize the definitions. I didn't even try the bonus questions because I didn't have my computer and there was no way I was guessing it. For the rest of the class everyone sat and played on their computers.

Reviewed for test

Today in class we reviewed for the test. Mr.Schick explained that the test will have 12 CIA questions, 6 birth and death rate math questions, and others about the stuff we have discussed. We focused today just on the power point and getting used to I think I will do good on the test, I am familiar with the cite and will be studying hard for tomorrow. Mr.Schick also reminded us to CHARGE our computers. Finally, he told us an awesome fact that there is 1 freshman absent, 13 seniors, 6 juniors, and 6 sophomores.

Reviewed CIA questions

Today in class we reviewed over the questions from the CIA site. Mr.Schick explained how these questions will be on the test and we need to get used to the We also talked about how these questions become and how the country's come up with these standings.

CIA questions

1. China: 1,384, 688, 986     India: 1,296, 834, 042 2. The total fertility rate in Japan is 1.42 3. 5.8 deaths per 1,000 is the death rate in El Salvador 4. 23-28% identify as no religion in France. France doesn't check there religious percentage anymore, the government doesn't ask that question 5. 82.7% identify them as roman catholic 6. The GDP in the United States is 59,800$ 7. The GDP of Nigeria is 5, 900$ 8. The GDP of Luxembourg is 105,100$ 9. 246,809,221 people use the internet in America 10. America has 13,513 airports 11.4,334,828,180 do not use the internet in the world 12. Russia has 624 airports 13. Age 15 and over can read and write 14. Canada's infant mortality rate is 4.5 deaths per 1,000 births 14. Cuba's infant mortality rate is 4.4 deaths per 1,000 births 14. United States infant mortality rate is 5.7 deaths per 1,000 births 15. Lesotho, Zambia, and Afghanistan 16. Monaco has the 16th highest net migration rate 17. Vietnam's un

Push/Pull factors

Today in class we talked about the push pull factors for country's. Some Push factors we came up with was civil war, environmental degradation, unemployment, religious or ethnic persecution. Some pull factors were better economy, better health services, religious freedom, political freedom. We also talked about TFR, which is the average number of children born per woman. For a population to remain the same, the TFR must be 2.1. If it's higher then 2.1, population rises. If it's lower than 2.1, population falls. Finally, the United States is an amazing country for pulling in immigration, we have great environmental opportunities, no civil war, almost no unemployment and no religious or ethnic persecution.

Crude birth and death rate

Today in class we talked about mainly crude birth and death rate. He explained how even though America has 30 times as more people as Canada, technically Canada has a better Net Migration Rate. Also, Net migration rate is produced by subtracting death from birth rate = Birth - Death. The only reason why America is increasing in decreasing in crude death rate, is because of immigration. But, the only way geographers can measure these numbers, is by tracking them in the 1,000's. Since there are 30x more people in the United States than Canada, doing it by the millions would be crazy, so it kind of keeps things a little more simple.

Test day

Today in class we took a test. I feel pretty good about the score that I got. I think I got probably a B or an A. We started our population control unit. It pretty much focus's on the population of the world and how some countries handle it. Mr.Schick and Tom explained how China has a one child policy. You are supposed to only have one child, if you have more, you will have to pay quite a bit of money. They do this so they can keep their population under control and make sure they have enough food and money for the country.

Left class early

Had to leave class early at 2 because of JV volleyball game

Pop quiz

Today in class we took a pop quiz that was 10 questions. I believe that I got a 5/10. I'm not to happy because I wasn't ready. I would have studied if I had known, that's only fair. The main questions I got wrong were the ones about the lines and meridians. I am definitely going to study for the test and I will be ready. Mr.Schick rang the bell every time someone got an A and it kind of scared me. For the most part, class wasn't bad and I am going to study the answers I got wrong on the pop quiz so when the real test comes around I will be totally ready and have a secure barrier.

Test Questions

1. What does UTC stand for? Coordinated Universal Time 2. What is the physical characteristic of a place? Site 3. Who was the first person to make a world map? Eratosthenes 4. What are the lines of latitude? C     A. Meridians     B. Longitude     C. Parallels     D. Straight 5. Many locations are important because they... are accessible to other locations 6. Define time zones? A region of earth that observes a uniform standard time for legal, commercial, and social purposes 7. How do you right time zone math( hint: what divided by what) 360 divided by 24 8. What abilities do humans have to do to maps? Modify the characteristics of a sight 9. Why do time zone lines on a map begin straight, then cut somewhere along the line? To define the borders of states and countries 10. Which map are we most likely to better understand? A       A. Mercator map       B. Griffins map       C. Eratosthenes map       D. Peters map

Quiz day

Today in class we took a quiz on North America, South America, and Central American countries. Personally, I think I got a 100%, so I guess that is good. Also, today in class we talked about time zones. It was really fascinating because they are all in different lines and can separate countries into different time zones. But the weird thing was, Greenland, China and North Korea have the same time zone for their country, it's not split up into regions of the country.. North Korea did it because they can do anything, Greenland did it because they are to wide, and I am not sure why China did it. But in the end class today was short and fun.