Hans rosling: 200 years in 4 minutes

Today in class we watched an in depth review video on life expectancy and economic growth for all countries. Hans Rosling explained that during the early 1800's. Everyone was in the poor and sick era. With life expectancy at a low and the amount of money you made. England were the first ones to make a jump into the the rich and healthy. Why? because they were the first ones to partake in the industrial revolution. As the years started to increase, the amount of countries made their way up there. Until World War 1 hit the world, then many countries started to make a drop towards the place were they once started. But not for long, when the war ended, they were back on their feet. To this present day it is mainly Luxembourg, and the United States of America leading the pack. But as Mr.Schick explained, this doesn't mean these are the best countries in the world.


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