Democracy and Greeces golden age

Pericles had three goals for Athens. 
1. How did Pericles strengthen democracy?
Increased the number of public officials who were paid salaries. Used direct democracy.
 2. What steps did Pericles take to strengthen the 
empire and glorify Athens? 
Used money to form delian league to beautify athens and built parthenon
The Greeks invented drama. 
3. What themes were common in Greek tragedy?
love, hate war, or betrayal
4. What do the themes of Greek comedies suggest 
about the men and women of Athens? 
Showed freedom of the democratic Athens; made fun of politics, respected people, and ideas of the time. That women had more power over men.
Greek philosophers search for truth. 
5. What was Plato’s vision of the ideal society?
not a democracy. 3 groups: farmers, artisans, warriors, and the ruling class
 6. What is the philosophic legacy of Aristotle? 
questioned the nature of the word and human belief; scientific method
B. Analyzing Causes and Recognizing Effects On the back of this paper, briefly 
explain the causes and consequences of the Peloponnesian War. 

Classical Greece 

Government where citizens rule directly rather than having representatives

Art of ancient Greece and Rome where harmony, order, and proportion were emphasized

Serious form of drama dealing with the downfall of a heroic or nobic character

Humorous form of drama that often includes slapstick and satire, often used to make fun of government officials

War between Athens and Sparta, Sparta was the winner

Thinker who uses logic and reason to investigate the nature of the universe, human society, and morality

Believed that absolute standards did exist for truth and justice and he encouraged Greeks to go farther and question themselves and their moral character

Questioned the nature of the world and of human belief, thought, and knowledge, invented a method of arguing according to rules of logic

He introduced direct democracy which allowed more people to be involved.We look at Athenian democracy to help improve and make our own.

He increased the number of paid public officials and he introduced direct democracy

Athens -
- To avoid land battles with the Spartan army
- Wait to strike from the sea
Sparta -
- Strike from land
- To burn the Athenian food supply

Because they had never been asked to question their own morals


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