Today in class we talked about how geographers describe where tings are. Our answer as a class was they pin point the exact spot of the country. Mr.Schick talked about how we almost have the exact longitude and latitude of North Korea. For example, if you take your finger and put it on Harford County, then go exactly across them map, you will land on North Korea. Also, we talked about how humans have the ability to modify the characteristics of a site. For instance, Harford County and North Korea are almost on the exact same longitude and latitude, but yet have very different and similar physical features. We discussed that a location on a map will have these features. Climate, terrain, water ways, etc. For the rest of the class we talked about how Mr.Schick never grew up having grab feats. So it was new to him when he first moved here. Just the thought of eating an animal that was just alive grosses him out the door. He could eat it for a little bit but there better be more food.
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