Mercator map vs Peters map

     A Mercator map looks as if it was a perfect shape of all the continents and countries. From what we have learned a Mercator map is the perfect map. It defines different colors to represent borders, it labels all bodies of water, labels all major cities and capitals and most importantly has a key. According to, the Mercator was developed by Gerardus Mercator in 1569. On a small scale geographic shapes can be moved without being distorted which is exactly what a Mercator map does. For instance, Africa is 15 times larger than Greenland, but on a Mercator map, they appear to be the same size. Since the scale on a Mercator map is distorted, areas farther away from the equator are disproportionately large.
     A Peter's map looks to be very stretched and distorted at an extreme level. It is pretty similar to the Mercator map when it comes to details. They both have colors except the Peter's map separates the continents by colors. The Peter's map labels the bodies of water, the major capitals and cities. According to The Peter's map shows the earth geographic relationships better than the Mercator map. It is better drawn to scale then the Mercator map.


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