Today in class we reviewed Socrates and his method of discussions, had a debate on whether or not you should be able to Mary the same sex and the day Mr. Schick remembers about 911. Socrates started the evolution of democracy. People loved his ideas, thinking for themselves. Unfortunately he was sentenced to death but came very close by losing the votes by about 50 out of 500. Second, we had a debate on if marrying the same sex is right or wrong. We all had different opinions but it was kind of weird, as we were speaking, we were following the Socratic method. Things started to get a little heated but for the most part everything was calm and collected. Third, Mr. Schick told us about what he remembers on 911. He explained that his first thought when a teacher said that a plane had crashed into the world trade center, was just a tiny little plane that hit and fell to the ground. Then after mass, the principle made an announcement that the second tower has been hit and the nation was under attack. For the most part the day went on, but teachers were aloud to have it televised. That may have been a mistake after Mr. Schick and his students all witnessed the towers collapsing and plummeting to the ground killing thousands. He also explained about how a girl in his class lost her dad in the unfortunate event. Finally, he reminded us that we have a test tomorrow.


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